Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

IELTS Academic 17 (Test 2)

Questions 11–14

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Oniton Hall

  1. What colour are the tour boats?
    1. the gardens.
    2. the house.
    3. the farm.
  2. Sir Edward Downes built Oniton Hall because he wanted
    1. a place for discussing politics.
    2. a place to display his wealth.
    3. a place for artists and writers.
  3. Visitors can learn about the work of servants in the past from
    1. audio guides.
    2. photographs.
    3. people in costume.
  4. What is new for children at Oniton Hall?
    1. clothes for dressing up
    2. mini tractors
    3. the adventure playground

Questions 15 and 20

Which activity is offered at each of the following locations on the farm?

Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A–H, next to Questions 15–20.

  1. shopping
  2. watching cows being milked
  3. seeing old farming equipment
  4. eating and drinking
  5. starting a trip
  6. seeing rare breeds of animals
  7. helping to look after animals
  8. using farming tools

Locations on the farm

  1. dairy ........
  2. large barn ........
  3. small barn ........
  4. stables........
  5. shed ........
  6. parkland ........

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