Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

IELTS Academic 19 (Test 2)

Questions 11—16. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

11. What made David leave London and move to Northsea?
A. He was eager to develop a hobby.
B. He wanted to work shorter hours.
C. He found his job in website design unsatisfying.

12. The Lifeboat Institution in Northsea was built with money provided by
A. a local organisation.
B. a local resident.
C. the local council.

13. In his health assessment, the doctor was concerned about the fact that David
A. might be colour blind.
B. was rather short-sighted.
C. had undergone eye surgery.

14. After arriving at the lifeboat station, they aim to launch the boat within
A. five minutes.
B. six to eight minutes.
C. eight and a half minutes.

15. As a ‘helmsman', David has the responsibility of deciding
A. who will be the members of his crew.
B. what equipment it will be necessary to take.
C. if the lifeboat should be launched.

16. As well as going out on the lifeboat. David
A. gives talks on safety at sea.
B. helps with fundraising.
C. recruits new volunteers.

Questions 17 and 18. Choose TWO letters, A - E.

Which TWO things does David say about the lifeboat volunteer training?

A. The residential course developed his leadership skills.
B. The training in use of ropes and knots was quite brief.
C. The training exercises have built up his mental strength.
D. The casualty care activities were particularly challenging for him.
E. The wave tank activities provided practice in survival techniques.

Questions 19 and 20. Choose TWO letters, A - E.

Which TWO things does David find most motivating about the work he does?

A. working as part of a team
B. experiences when working in winter
C. being thanked by those he has helped
D. the fact that it keeps him fit
E. the chance to develop new equipment

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