Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

IELTS Academic 19 (Test 3)

Questions 11 - 16. What information is given about each of the following festival workshops?

Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A - H, next to Questions 11 - 16.

A. involves painting and drawing
B. will be led by a prize-winning author
C. is aimed at children with a disability
D. involves a drama activity
E. focuses on new relationships
F. is aimed at a specific age group
G. explores an unhappy feeling
H. raises awareness of a particular culture

11. Superheroes

12. Just do it

13. Count on me

14. Speak up

15. Jump for joy

16. Sticks and stones

Questions 17 and 18. Choose TWO letters, A - E.

Which TWO reasons does the speaker give for recommending Alive and Kicking?
A. It will appeal to both boys and girls.
B. The author is well known.
C. It has colourful illustrations.
D. It is funny.
E. It deals with an important topic.

Questions 19 and 20. Choose TWO letters, A - E.

Which TWO pieces of advice does the speaker give to parents about reading?
A. Encourage children to write down new vocabulary.
B. Allow children to listen to audio books.
C. Get recommendations from librarians.
D. Give children a choice about what they read.
E. Only read aloud to children until they can read independently.

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