giải thưởng, phần thưởng
an advantage, for example more money or a better job, that someone receives if they are successful, work hard, etc.

2. gate (n)
cái cổng
a part of an airport where travellers are allowed to get on or off a particular aircraft

3. customer (n)
khách hàng
a person who buys goods or a service

4. include (v)
/ ɪnˈkluːd/
bao gồm
to contain something as a part of something else, or to make something part of something else

5. manage (v)
/ ˈmæn.ədʒ/
quản lý, điều hành, trông nom
to succeed in doing or dealing with something,especially something difficult

6. actual (adj)
/ ˈæk.tʃu.əl/
thật sự
existing in fact

7. occur (v)
/ əˈkɝː/
xảy ra
(especially of accident sand other unexpected events) to happen

8. earn (v)
/ ɝːn/
kiếm được
to receive payment for the work you perform

9. plate (n)
/ pleɪt/
a flat, usually round dish with a slightly raised edge that you eat from or serve food from

10. contact (v)
/ ˈkɑːn.tækt/
liên lạc
Communicating with someone, particularly by speaking or writing to them regularly

11. amaze (v)
kinh ngạc
to cause someone to be extremely surprised

12. charge (n)
the price to pay for something
Thời gian học