Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Easy American Idioms ((Lesson 5 : Like Pulling Teeth))

Salena: What a pain in the neck! It’s like pulling teeth trying to get anything done with them!

Dario: What? Who?

Salena: The credit card company sent another bill to my old address!

Dario: Not again . . .

Salena: This is the third time! I thought we got things squared away after the last time I called. Now they’re saying I have to cough up 150 dollars in late fees!

Dario: You’re gonna call and get that ironed out, right?

Salena: I don’t know . . . I’m so tired of dealing with them, I think I might just bite the bullet and pay the late fee.

Dario: Don’t do that . . . That’s not right . . . Call again and insist on talking to someone who can get it off your record.

Salena: Dario, it’s like flogging a dead horse . . . Every time I call I get the same story. Address changed, everything should be fine. And if I ask to speak with a manager, I have to call back later because no one is there.

Dario: Sounds like they’re giving you the runaround. Just cancel the card and refuse to pay.

Salena: Well, I will cancel the card, but if I don’t pay, I’ll have that on my credit record.

Dario: If I were in your shoes, I’d call right now.

Salena: Okay . . . Fine . . . You’ll see.

Kurtis: Hello, my name is Kurtis. How can I help you today?

Salena: Hi, Kurtis. I got a bill saying that I owe late fees, but the problem is that your company keeps sending statements to my old address, so the payment is already late by the time I get them, and . . .

Kurtis: Okay, let me just pull up your account. Just one moment. Okay, there we are. I see that your address is listed as 47 Maple Terrace. . .

Salena: Yeah, that’s my new address. But the statements are still being sent to the old one.

Kurtis: Okay, let me just put through a change of address, and we’ll . . .

Salena: No, Kurtis, I’ve been down that road before. A few times in fact. I really just want to have these late fees taken care of. Obviously, I shouldn’t have to pay them.

Kurtis: I understand ma’am, but unfortunately I don’t call the shots in that area.

Salena: Okay, then I’d like to talk to someone who does.

Kurtis: All right, ma’am. If you’ll just hold . . .

Salena: Kurtis, please don’t put me on hold. I’ve been trying to take care of this problem for weeks now, and I’m really at my wit’s end. I need to speak to someone right now.

Kurtis: I’m sorry ma’am, but no one is available right now. If you’ll just hold . . .

Salena: Kurtis, look, I don’t mean to get on your case personally, but I feel like I’m just spinning my wheels every time I talk to someone in customer service. I’m very dissatisfied, and I’m very frustrated. I’ve got a good mind just to cancel my card.

Kurtis: I’m really sorry you feel that way, ma’am. You are a valued customer, and . . .

Salena: Kurtis, please don’t feed me that line! If I’m such a valued customer, why can’t anyone take care of my problem? It really is beyond me how your company can call me a valued customer but continue to . . .

Kurtis: Ma’am, I’m really sorry, but my hands are tied. If you’ll just let me put you on hold or call back later, I’ll . . .

Salena: Call back later? Are you out of your mind? I . . . Wait, you know what, I’m not going to take out my frustration on you. I know it’s not your fault, that you just work there, but I’ve really had it with your company. I’d like to go ahead and cancel my card.

Kurtis: Okay, ma’am. I’m sorry to hear that, but I do understand. I’m going to transfer you to our Cancellations Department, so if you’ll just hold . . .

Salena: Oh, for crying out loud . . .

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