Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Easy American Idioms - (Lesson 10 : She’s Got You Wrapped around Her Finger.)

Frank: Heya Alan! Long time no see! How’s it going?

Alan: Good. Just here getting the ol’ticker pumpin’. What about you?

Frank: Same old, same old.

Alan: Hey—I ran into your son Bobby the other day. Did he say Stacey’s got one on the way?

Frank: Sure did. About four months along with their second. They had a little girl ’bout a year and a half ago. A piece of work, I tell ya. A chip off the old block.

Alan: Ya don’t say. How d’ya mean?

Frank: Hardheaded, just like Bobby, and when she’s up to somethin’, she gets that same look in her eye Bobby used to get when he was a kid. It’s really something else!

Alan: So she takes after her father, huh? That’ll give him a taste of his own medicine! All those years causing trouble in the neighborhood!

Frank: Yep—time to pay the piper.

Alan: I remember when my kids were that age—you’ve really got to be on the ball. Can’t turn your back for a minute before they’re already up to something.

Frank: Yeah. Don’t keep up with ’em like I used to. Two hours and I’m bushed. But I tell ya, I’m having a blast being a grandfather. Not like with your own kids at all.

Alan: For sure . . . You get to be a pushover without any of the guilt!

Frank: Yeah . . . Like the other morning, I was baby-sitting. Well, the girl got it in her head that she wanted ice cream at 9 a.m.! She was set on it! At first I thought . . . No. Bobby’d have a fit. But then, I thought, hey, it’s not MY kid! So I caved in and gave it to her! Ice-cream for breakfast! Can you believe it?

Alan: Yeah, it’s easy to buckle when it’s your grandkids and not your kids! Sounds like she’s got you wrapped around her finger!

Frank: Yeah. I’m hooked when it comes to this grandfather business! Can’t wait for the next one.

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