Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Easy American Idioms - (Lesson 14 : Off the Beaten Track)

Jeff: Simon! Madeline! Welcome! It’s great to see you guys!

Madeline: Hi, Jeff. Thanks for inviting us. And sorry we’re a bit late. Simon decided to take the scenic route.

Simon: Well, a captain is only as good as his navigator.

Jeff: Uh-oh. Did I not give you decent directions? I know it’s hard to find this place. It’s a little bit off the beaten track.

Madeline: Your directions were perfect, Jeff. We just got a little mixed-up coming off the interstate, and of course it will be a cold day in hell before Simon here stops and asks for directions, even in the middle of nowhere.

Simon: Yeah, but I told you I could wing it and find my way here.

Jeff: And here you both are. Well, come on in and shake off the dust. You can freshen up, and I’ll whip up some of my famous guacamole and a drink or two. We can relax on the porch and catch up as the sun goes down.

Madeline: Ah, a fiesta in the country! I can’t wait. I can feel myself unwinding already.

Simon: I’ll say. Now there’s a way to end a long drive . . .
(A bit later . . . )

Simon: Ah, what a great way to kick off our weekend in the country.

Madeline: Yeah, I’ve been looking forward to some R and R for a long time. I’ve really needed to recharge the batteries.

Jeff: Well, I’m glad to be able to offer you a weekend getaway for a break from the rat race. That’s why I love being out here so much.

Simon: So, how is the big change working out for you? Have you felt much culture shock moving out to the sticks like this?

Jeff: No, not at all . . . I grew up in the country, so in a way, this feels more like home to me than the city. In fact, sometimes I felt like a fish out of water in the city. Of course, there are things I miss, but all in all I’m really happy to be out here in the boondocks.

Madeline: So, you’re here full time now, then?

Jeff: Well, I still have a little place in the city, but this is where I hang my hat for now.

Simon: And how’s the writing coming along?

Jeff: It’s great . . . now. At first I was really afraid that it wasn’t going to pan out, that I’d really made a terrible mistake leaving my job and moving here to write. I had a bad case of writer’s block. But then I snapped out of it, and I’ve actually just finished my manuscript.

Madeline: Hey, congratulations! Let’s have a toast to that!

Simon: Yeah, cheers!

Madeline: And what about the locals? Are you meeting nice people here?

Jeff: Oh, sure.When I bought the place, I didn’t know anyone, of course. I think I stuck out like a sore thumb, too, because everyone knows everyone around here. People always seemed to be sizing me up, but giving me the cold shoulder at the same time.

Simon: And it must have been rough starting from square one when it came to a social life, too.

Jeff: Yeah, that was not easy. No one reached out to me, except to make small talk.

Madeline: So, how did you break the ice? If I know you, you put on a big smile and had new friends lined up at your door in no time.

Jeff: Actually, I had a secret weapon.

Simon: A secret weapon? What’s that?

Jeff: You’re eating it.

Madeline: The guacamole?

Jeff: Hey, I told you it was famous. Around here, at least.

Simon: So, you just started handing complete strangers bowls of guacamole? Gee, you’d think that would raise a few eyebrows . . .

Jeff: No, of course not. There was actually a good oldfashioned town picnic, so I brought as much of the stuff as I could make. As soon as people started tasting it, I had all sorts of welcomes and invitations to dinner!

Madeline: So it’s true that the fastest way to someone’s heart is through their stomach.

Simon: And speaking of which . . . when’s dinner?

Jeff: Whenever we want. We’re not on the clock here.

Madeline: Great, because that sunset is gorgeous. I could sit here all weekend. No lights, no sirens, no honking horns . . . I could really get used to this.

Simon: Yup, this is the life!

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