Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Easy American Idioms - (Lesson 17 : Let’s Catch a Flick, Then Grab a Bite.)

Art: Logan! There you are!

Logan: Hey Art . . . Glad you caught me . . . I was just packing up shop.

Art: I was almost out the door too, then I remembered you wanted to get together this weekend. You still feel up to it?

Logan: I do . . . but you’re not gonna stand me up like you did last week, are you?

Art: Are you still stewing over that?! Cut me some slack, Logan. It wasn’t my fault plans fell through at the last minute . . . There was an emergency.

Logan: You left me high and dry ten minutes before the concert started!

Art: Logan, I told you I had to pick up my niece from soccer practice. Her mom’s car broke down . . . I said I was sorry. What else can I do?

Logan: So . . . you’d like to make it up to me . . . Hmmm . . .

Art: Uh-oh . . .

Logan: I’ll think about it and let you know. But in the meantime, I definitely need to let off some steam after this week. What a headache!

Art: Same here.

Logan: Any ideas?

Art: I dunno . . . something low-key. I’ve been running around like a chicken with its head cut off all week.

Logan: How about catching a flick?

Art: Okay . . . But we never see eye to eye on movies. What’ve you got in mind? No chick flicks, I hope.

Logan: Don’t be such a sexist pig! You know . . . there is that new romantic comedy with . . .

Art: Oh, I KNEW it!

Logan: Hey! You owe me!

Art: Fine, then. Guess I’ll just zone out for two hours . . .

Logan: Uh-uh. No zoning out . . . I’m gonna ask for a play-by-play when the movie’s over.

Art: You don’t let a person off easy, do you?

Logan: Nope.

Art: All right, all right. So, how ’bout grabbing a bite to eat before the movie; I’m starving.

Logan: Great . . . I’m so hungry I could eat a horse right now.

Art: So . . . we’ll meet in about an hour and a half?

Logan: Perfect . . . and that about evens the score.

Art: What do you mean?

Logan: Dinner’s on you!

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