Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Easy American Idioms - (Lesson 2 : Tying the Knot)

Mike: Hmmm . . . What’s this card? “Join us! Matt and Allison are tying the knotTake the plunge with them Saturday, June 22nd , at their Engagement/ Beach Party. There’ll be no chance to get cold feet at this sizzling hot summer party! Takes place at Turtle Beach. This party is no stuffy ceremony, so join in if you want to see the couple let their hair down one last time before the walk down the aisle! RSVP by Friday, June 15th . It’ll be a blast!” Wow. Matt and Allison are getting married! Didn’t see that coming.

Allison: Mike! You’re here! So glad you could make it!

Mike: Wouldn’t miss it for the world!

Matt: Hey, buddy! How are ya?

Mike: Great! Congratulations, you two!

Matt and Allison: Thanks!

Mike: Looks like a good turnout!

Matt: Yeah, we’re happy so many people could come.

Mike: So you two are finally gonna get hitched.Who popped the question? Was it you, Matt, or did you propose to him, Allison?

Matt: I decided to be the romantic one. I took Allison to the park where we had our five-year anniversary picnic, and asked her there . . . She was in a bad mood that day . . . I almost lost my nerve—I thought she was gonna turn me down!

Allison: He’s right . . . I almost left him in the park. I had a terrible migraine. Stress at work. And he’d been acting so strange, I guess getting ready for the big question.

Mike: Have you guys settled on a date yet?

Allison: We’re close . . . Sometime next July. You’ll be around, won’t you?

Mike: You can count on it.

Allison: Oh, I just saw my aunt arrive. Sorry to bail on you Mike, right when you get here!

Mike: No, no problem; we’ll catch up later on.

Allison: Great. See you both in a bit.

Mike: Okay, can I ask you something direct?

Matt: Ha! It’s not like you’ve ever been one to beat around the bush.

Mike: Fair enough. Give it to me straight. Did she bully you into this?

Matt: No, seriously . . . I really want this.

Mike: I tell ya, when I got the invite, it really threw me for a loop. You’ve done a complete 180. Just a couple months ago, you were telling me how you kind of missed playing the field.

Matt: I know. But things have changed. I guess I’ve settled down.

Mike: I guess so! What happened?

Matt: Well, remember that car accident Allison had? When I found out, it was a real wake-up call. I remember thinking I didn’t know how I would live without this woman. It hit me—she was the one for me. I decided I should either marry her or stop seeing her.

Mike: Wow.

Matt: Really, and since I’ve proposed, everything has been perfect. I feel like a million bucks. It was the right decision.

Mike: I have to hand it to you. It seems like you’re really getting your life on track. You’re a lucky man. She’s a great person. You deserve a great woman.

Matt: Thanks, I appreciate that. But come on, this is supposed to be fun. Let’s grab a beer and join the party.

Mike: Great idea.

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