Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Easy American Idioms - (Lesson 20 : Just Go with the Flow!)

Marcus: I can’t even stand up on these things!

Mina: Relax . . . Don’t try so hard.

Marcus: You know what . . . I must have a screw loose—I can’t ski! I’ve never been one to do anything athletic—I’m just gonna throw in the towel now.

Mina: Just keep your shirt on! You haven’t even tried yet! Don’t be such a stick in the mud! Here, take my hand. Good. Now . . . First thing you want to do is bend your knees.

Marcus: Like this?

Mina: Yeah . . . Now lean back. . . . All right, good. . . . Doing great.
(A bit later . . . )

Mina: Now, pretend your knees are like springs. When you hit a bump . . .

Marcus: There’re bumps?! I thought we were on the bunny trail!

Mina: We are . . . but yeah . . . there might be a couple of small ones . . .

Marcus: Well, what do I do then?!

Mina: Just go with the flow. Pretend your knees are springs. Let them bend with the curve of the terrain. Don’t be stiff.

Marcus: Sure . . . Whatever . . .

Mina: Same goes if you fall . . .

Marcus: There’s falling involved?!

Mina: You’re bound to fall . . . You’re just learning . . . Anyway . . . worst thing is if you’re stiff when you fall . . . You’ll really do a number on yourself if your body’s tense when you hit the ground.

Marcus: Hey! Look at that kid! She’s not using any poles!

Mina: Yeah, actually, it’s more about balance and your knees. Poles help balance, of course . . . but when you’re learning, they can be a distraction . . . Maybe you should . . .

Marcus: No way . . . I’m keeping the poles. They’re my security blanket.

Mina: All right, whatever . . . Now to stop . . . make your skis into a wedge shape, and just let yourself slowly come to a stop. Let’s give it a whirl . . . Drift towards me . . . and . . .

Marcus: Here I come!

Mina: Wedge!

Marcus: Whoa!

Mina: That was great! You’re really batting a thousand!

Marcus: I can’t believe I just did that! I’m actually taking to this skiing stuff!

Mina: Like a duck to water!

Marcus: Would you say that I’m poetry in motion?

Mina: Well, maybe not quite yet. But soon enough, so . . . ready to get this show on the road?

Marcus: Don’t I need more practice?

Mina: This WILL BE your practice. Let’s go up to the top.

Marcus: Yikes,from the top this hill looks a lot steeper than I thought . . .

Mina: They always do . . . you just have to see your path down, and make up your mind to follow it.

Marcus: Uhh . . .

Mina: Listen, don’t worry, you have the basics. It’s all downhill from here . . . Literally.

Marcus: Very funny.

Mina: Best thing about a day on the slopes is the evening. Tonight, you’re going to sleep like a log, my friend. Here we go . . .

Marcus: Mina, if I buy the farm on the way down, I think you should know . . . You’ve always been my closest friend . . .

Mina: Right . . . Now get going.

Marcus: I can’t move. My legs won’t let me. . . . Hey! What are you doing?!

Mina: You’ll be here all day, if I let you . . . I’m just giving you a bit of a jump start. . . .

Marcus: You wouldn’t! You’d really push your best friend down a ski slope?!

Mina: See you at the bottom!

Marcus: Whoooaaa!

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