Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Easy American Idioms - (Lesson 8 : Fits Like a Glove!)

Jade: I’m so tired of shopping! Trying to find the perfect clothes for me out of the hundreds of things we’ve seen is like looking for a needle in a haystack!

Orlando: Oh, don’t exaggerate. We haven’t seen that much. Hey look! That place looks nice. Let’s check it out.

Jade: I don’t know . . . those clothes in the window aren’t exactly my cup of tea. Plus, it looks expensive. We’d probably have to pay through the nose for anything we find.

Orlando: Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning or what?! Don’t be such a wet blanket. You’re the one who’s always complaining about your clothes being out of style. I let you drag me out shopping so you can keep up with the trends, so this is all for you, not for me.

Jade: Okay, you’re right. We’ll give it a try

Orlando: Hey, look at this blouse. Do you want to try it on?

Jade: Wow, it’s a bit low-cut, don’t you think? And you can see right through it! Won’t leave much to the imagination . . .

Orlando: I don’t know, I think it might be kind of hot.

Jade: Forget about it, I’m not wearing that in public. It would turn too many heads, and you know you’re the jealous type.

Orlando: Well, in private then . . .

Jade: Just drop it!

Orlando: Okay, what about these pants?

Jade: Hmm . . . Those aren’t bad . . . Wait . . . Let me see the price . . . Right . . . Just as I thought. Unless you want to cough up $150 for a pair of pants . . . I don’t think so.

Orlando: All right . . . How about these jeans? Nice cut, basic, they don’t cost an arm and a leg . . .

Jade: Yeah, but they look like cheap knockoffs. If I’m going to wear bargain basement clothing I want to be the only one who knows it.

Orlando: Oh, come on, these look fine. And besides, why do you give a darn what other people think?

Jade: Didn’t you always use to say that the clothes make the man?

Orlando: Well, now I’m reformed. I just throw on whatever’s clean and out the door I go.

Jade: Well, I like to make a nice impression, to come off as someone who cares about the way she looks.

Orlando: Speaking of which, check out these pants. They’re really great.

Jade: Yeah . . . but these pleats, all these pockets, they’re a bit busy.

Orlando: I think they’re unusual, really one of a kind. Why don’t you just try them on? You might like them.

Jade: Oh, all right. Hand them over. I’ll try them on.

Orlando: Well, let’s have a look! Can I see them on you?

Jade: What do you think? I don’t think they’re me. I told you it would be impossible to find . . .

Orlando: I hate to burst your bubble, but those pants look great on you . . . They fit you like a glove. Why are you frowning? We’ve finally found something that looks great!

Jade: Now we have to find a top to go with it!

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