Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S - Review: Units 1–3)

Fill in the blanks. Use the words below.

sale      apply        rush hour      yard        skip       fine       tricky      platform      sunroof      fare

  1. Hey, let’s go to the mall today. There’s a great , so we should be able to get some vacation clothes at a really good price.
  2. There’s Bob, working in his again. He’s always cutting the grass and watering the flowers.
  3. The train for New York will depart from number 4.
  4. I need to for a New Jersey driver’s license.
  5. I love a car with a(n) I can open, but my wife complains it messes up her hair and gives her a bad hair day!
  6. Dad, can you help me with my math homework? This problem is really ; I just don’t understand it.
  7. Let’s take the bus; I’m not sure I have enough cash for the taxi .
  8. The worst time to drive around a city is during . There are too many cars and buses crowding the streets.
  9. I’m so hungry; I was late getting up this morning and had to breakfast so I wouldn’t be late for work.
  10. I got stopped by the police for speeding, and now I have to pay a .

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