Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S - Review: Units 10–12)

Choose the correct modal verbs for the sentences.?

1. If there’s a fire, you (can/have to) get out of the building as quickly as possible. (shows that something is necessary)

2. The doctor says I (should/would) stop smoking if I want to be healthy. (strong advice)

3. (Could/should) you open the window, please? It’s really hot in here! (a polite way to request something)

4. You (should/can) always wear sunscreen on sunny days to protect your skin. (strong advice)

5. I love having a day off because I (don’t have to/wouldn’t) get up early. (something is not necessary)

6. You’ll (have to/had) stay at home tomorrow if you still feel sick. (The word will shows this is something necessary in the future, so you need to use the phrase have to.)

7. We (should/had to) call 911 last week when our house caught fire. (something was necessary in the past)

8. I (can/could) run 10 miles a day when I was younger. (used for past ability)

9. I (should/would) buy a new car if I had more money. (to express what you might do in a certain situation)

10. You (would/could) have an accident if you keep driving this fast. (expresses possibility)

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