Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S - Review: Units 19–21)

Look at how these expressions are used in a sentence. Can you explain what they mean?

  1. Don’t worry. I promise I’ll keep in touch when I move to another state for my new job.
    in touch:
  2. Those ladies in the office never seem to do any work! They spend the whole day yakking about nothing.
    yakking :
  3. I’m afraid my Internet is down, so I’ll need to send the documents by snail mail.
    snail mail:
  4. You really should do your homework about a company before you decide to work for them.
    do your homework:
  5. Don’t let the cold weather get you down. It’ll soon be spring.
    get you down:
  6. I was really lucky to find that new position by word of mouth before it was even posted on the job site.
    by word of mouth:
  7. Talking to him is a real waste of time. He never listens to my ideas.
    waste of time:
  8. Once you get your foot in the door of a company, you can start to move up.
    foot in the door:
  9. Sometimes in an interview, they will ask tricky questions to try to throw you.
    throw you:
  10. It is especially important to be a good team player in a small company.
    team player:

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