Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S - Unit 10: Emergency 911)

OPERATOR: Paramedic 128. What’s the address of your emergency?

CALLER: HELP! HELP! I need an ambulance!

OPERATOR: Okay, sir, what’s the address?

CALLER: I’m not sure. I’m outside. It’s . . . it’s . . . I think it’s Taylor Road. It’s Lawrenceville. I need an ambulance!

OPERATOR: Sir, we’ll get help right away. What’s the phone number you’re calling from?

CALLER: Um, it’s my cell phone. It’s 555-1006. Please hurry. There’s a guy here . . . Hurry! Can you send an ambulance?

OPERATOR: Okay, sir, what’s the nature of the emergency?

CALLER: There’s a guy lying here. He’s not conscious. He’s not breathing! He’s not breathing!

OPERATOR: Okay. He’s not breathing? He’s unconscious?

CALLER: Right.

OPERATOR: Okay, sir, an ambulance is on the way. But I need you to start CPR right now. I’ll help you over the phone until they get there.

CALLER: The neighbor is doing CPR, but the guy isn’t responding. He’s not responding! He’s not moving and he’s not breathing.

OPERATOR: Okay, sir, the ambulance is on the way. They’ll be there in minutes. Did you witness what happened to the man?

CALLER: No, I didn’t see what happened.

OPERATOR: Okay, sir, I’ve dispatched all this information to the paramedics. Keep up the CPR until they get there. They’re just a few blocks away.

CALLER: Thank you! This guy isn’t responding to anything!

OPERATOR: Okay they should be there.

CALLER: Yeah, here they are! Thank you, sir, thank you.

OPERATOR: Okay, sir, call us back if you need any help.

Tip 3 Many public libraries, schools, and hospitals offer free first aid and CPR classes. It’s always good to know what to do in an emergency, while you’re waiting for help to arrive.
CPR: Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation; pressing on a person’s chest, breathing into his mouth to try to get his heart started again
conscious: awake; aware of surroundings
nature: kind, type
paramedics: specially trained people who can do first aid and some medical treatments in an emergency
responding: reacting
unconscious: not awake; not aware of anything; no reaction of any senses
witness: see

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