Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S - Unit 10: Emergency 911)

OPERATOR: 911. What’s the exact location of your emergency?

CALLER: Hi, um, well my address is 2495 Cary Street. But it’s across the street. I don’t know the address.

OPERATOR: Okay, ma’am. I didn’t get that. Are you on a cell phone? Tell me that address again.

CALLER: Yeah, um, it’s . . . I don’t know, it’s 2495 Cary, but it’s across the street.

OPERATOR: Okay, that’s fine. Is that where you’re calling me from, ma’am?

CALLER: I’m calling you from my cell phone. I think I need the police.

OPERATOR: Okay, ma’am. What’s the nature of the emergency?

CALLER: Well, I’m across the street. I’m not sure . . . My neighbor’s away, and, um, um, there are two guys. I think they’re breaking into the house. Um, it looks like there are two guys. HEY! THEY JUST BROKE A WINDOW! One guy just ripped through the screen door! They’re looking around to see if anyone saw them! Can you get the police here? Hurry!

OPERATOR: Okay, ma’am, we’ll have someone there right away. Do you recognize the people at all?

CALLER: No, not at all. It’s not my neighbor; they’re away. I have no idea who these guys are, but they just broke the window and kicked in the door! I think you need to get the police here fast.

OPERATOR: Can you describe the men, ma’am?

CALLER: They’re inside now. I don’t know. I don’t know. To be honest with you, I didn’t really notice what they were wearing or anything. Um, I think one guy was pretty tall. He was wearing some kind of baseball cap, I think. And, uh, the other guy entered through the window before I got a good look at him. All I know is these guys broke into the house! Can you get the police here?!

OPERATOR: Ma’am, they’re on their way. Do you know if the guys have a weapon?

CALLER: I don’t know; I couldn’t see from my angle. They had a hard time trying to kick in the door. Um, but, um, they smashed the window with a bat, I think. A baseball bat.

OPERATOR: Okay, ma’am, they’re on their way. Don’t hang up until they get there.

CALLER: Okay. Thank you. Wait, okay, here they are! Thank you!

Tip 4 If you want to speak with a police officer, but it is not an emergency, you should not call 911. You can find the phone number of the local precinct in your phone book.

Did you spot it?

Remember: could is also used for ability in the past.
In this example, couldn’t means was not able to see.
Example: I couldn’t see from my angle.
all I know is: a strong way to say this is the important fact
breaking in: forcing one’s way in
entered: went in
had a hard time: had difficulty with something
I have no idea: a stronger way to say I don’t know
kick in: hit with one’s foot and smash open
precinct: local police station
screen door: an outer door that allows air into the room, but not the bugs!
smashed: broke suddenly and noisily
to be honest with you: a way of saying really
weapon: something that is used to hurt someone

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