Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S - Unit 16: The Better Half)

So you’re in a bar and someone catches your eye. Wow, she’s the girl of your dreams! You begin chatting her up, and soon you realize you’re crazy about her. You want to get together the next evening and go out on a date. No, no, no! We’re not talking about the fruit kind of date, or the what-day-is-it kind of date. We’re talking about the romantic kind of date. How do you ask her? Where do you go? Well, don’t ask us. It seems like hundreds of years since we’ve been on a date, and we’ve completely forgotten what to do. A date for us is a trip to the local supermarket. But our sources tell us there are many options to suit any pocketbook. How about cocktails at the local bar? Make sure you both have ID; you will probably be carded. How about a romantic stroll in the park? And, just to be on the safe side, make sure you know whom you are going with.

What if you never seem to meet anyone? These days, many people try dating services on the Internet to find Mr. or Ms. Right. Watch out for those blind dates, though. That 20-year-old stunner whose picture you saw may turn out to look more like your great-grandmother . . . or worse! Some people prefer to go on a double date at first until they feel more comfortable. Watch out at night; cougars could be prowling the streets! No, we’re not talking about a big cat that has escaped from the zoo. Cougars are older women looking for younger men to date. (We think men must have come up with that comparison, haha.) And for you ladies, sugar daddies are not giant candy bars. These are older men looking for younger women to date. Be careful that you don’t turn out to be some guy’s trophy wife. Some rich old men just like the idea of going to events and parties with arm candy.

For kids in high school, one of the most important and exciting dates is prom night. This is a special evening with a very fancy dance that has music and food. If you’re a parent, you’d better start saving. This can be an expensive time, with kids going all out to make it a perfect night. Girls spend lots of money on a special dress, a fancy hairstyle, and lots of makeup, and yes, some parents even rent a limo for the night. Here’s the funny thing about prom night: however carefully you choose a dress and do your hair, you can be sure that in 30 years you’ll cringe when you look at the pictures of yourself —and probably your date, too!

ALAN: Hi, Lia. What’s up?

LIA: Oh, nothing much. Just trying to get ready for midterm exams.

ALAN: Mmm. Me, too. I’m feeling a little stressed.

LIA: Yes! I can’t wait ’til they’re over; then I can let my hair down a bit.

ALAN: Well, I could really use a break right now. Do you feel like catching a movie tonight? Crazy Weekend with the Zombies is playing at the multiplex.

LIA: Hey, that’s a great idea! I’m dying to see that. I hear it’s hilarious. Why don’t we grab something to eat beforehand? I’m sick of dorm food.

ALAN: Sure. How about if I pick you up at about 7? The movie starts at 8:30, and we can grab a quick bite before we go.

LIA: Sounds great! See you at 7.

Tip 1 Don’t forget: you must be 21 to buy alcohol in the United States. Most places will card you. In some states, you can buy alcohol only in a liquor store. In others, you can buy beer and wine in a supermarket.
Tip 2 Smoking is not allowed in most public places. Most smokers can be seen roasting in the summer and freezing in the winter as they stand outside a building for their smoke. Take our advice: it’s much easier (and healthier) to quit (or never take it up in the first place)!

Pronunciation Pointer

Adding an e to the end of a word makes the a vowel sound long: date = dayt.

Say these pairs of words and notice how the e at the end makes the a sound longer:

Hat–hate: hat hayt
Rat–rate: rat rayt
Mat–mate: mat mayt


arm candy: someone very attractive that you bring on a date to get attention
bar: a place for socializing that serves alcoholic beverages
better half: a fun term that refers to your partner in a serious relationship, or your spouse
blind dates: when you go out with someone before you’ve met him or her
break: a short time away from some stressful work
carded: asked to show identification that proves you are old enough to order alcohol
catching a movie: going to a movie (can also be used in other contexts, such as, catching a baseball game, catching a show)
catches your eye: is attractive to you; gets your attention
chatting someone up: having a casual conversation
cocktails: special alcoholic drinks with several ingredients
cougars: older women looking for young men to date
cougars (also called mountain lions or pumas): large wild cats, formerly found in many places in the United States but now rarely seen
cringe: be shocked or embarrassed at something
date: Four meanings here! (1) a fruit from the date palm tree; (2) a day on the calendar, like Monday, August 6; (3) a romantic event, time spent with someone special; (4) the person you go on a date with (So date can be the event and the person! Confused? That’s English for you!)
dating services: groups (usually online) where you can sign up and look for people with similar interests
dorm: short for dormitory; the place where students live at a school or college
dorm food: the kind of food served in schools
double date: four people (two couples) going to the same place together
get together: meet with someone
going all out: spending lots of time and energy to make something perfect
go out: meet and spend time with someone
hilarious: very funny
just to be on the safe side: being cautious with someone or something new
let one’s hair down: relax
limo: a very large, very fancy car that holds many people (or one rich movie star!)
Mr. or Ms. Right: the perfect person for you!
multiplex: a movie theater that shows many different movies
prom night: the most exciting social event for kids in high school
prowling: searching for something; moving quietly like a cat
romantic: about love
sick of: tired of
sources: people who give you information
stroll: a slow, enjoyable walk
stunner: someone who is very beautiful
sugar daddy: an older man who buys lots of presents for a younger woman he wants to date
trophy wife: a young beautiful woman who marries a much older, very successful (usually rich!) man

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