Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S - Unit 16: The Better Half)

Ah, it was a beautiful relationship while it lasted. But not every couple is lucky enough to enjoy wedded bliss forever. Sometimes the problems that come up are too difficult to solve, and divorce seems like the only answer. So, after trying to work things out with your spouse, you’ve decided that you’re at the end of your rope. It’s not only that the two of you have grown apart, it’s that you just can’t put up with those smelly feet any longer! You’ve given it your best shot, but you can’t stand the sight of those dirty socks all over the bedroom floor any longer. Or maybe it’s something more serious. Maybe you’ve learned that your partner has been cheating on you and having an affair. After talking through all your options, you decide that the only solution is to split up. This is usually a sad decision, and many times couples will decide to give it a second chance and get back together. If the problems remain, and the couple just can’t work things out, it may be the end of the road and, sadly (or happily?), time to say good-bye and get a divorce.

LIA: Hey, what’s the matter? You look down.

JAE: Yeah, I guess I am. I just broke up with Joseph.

LIA: You and Joseph have broken up? Oh, no! What happened? I thought things were going really well.

JAE: Yes and no. He is such a nice guy in a lot of ways, but things just started getting really boring, you know. He stopped doing all the nice stuff like buying me flowers and saying nice things. He only wants to sit on the couch and watch TV, and I want to do fun things with friends.

LIA: I know what you mean; Tony is the same. I’d just like him to be a little more . . . well, romantic or something.

JAE: Yeah, but it’s not only that. We’ve just gone in different directions. He isn’t interested at all in any of the things I like to do. I just feel he has really let me down. I just can’t count on him anymore.

LIA: Wow, I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope you get over the breakup soon. But after all, maybe there’s still a chance that you two can work things out and make up. Maybe you should put off the separation.

JAE: Well, we’ve been trying for a long time, so I think this is the end of the road for us. But thanks anyway.

Tip 5 Before a couple decides to separate or divorce, they will often try counseling. A professional counselor who helps couples resolve their differences is called a marriage therapist or family therapist.
The letter o can have different sounds. It all depends on what other letters come before and after it.
- oh, as in the word toe
- oo, as in the word two
- ow, as in the word now
- uh, as in the word love

Don’t you love a vowel that can do all that?!
break up (verb): end a relationship
breakup (noun): the situation when two people end a relationship
can’t stand the sight of: hate something
cheating on: being unfaithful to a husband or wife
counseling: talking with a professional about how to solve problems
count on: depend on; rely on
divorce: a legal ruling that a marriage is officially over
end of the road: the last part of an experience
end of your rope: not having any more patience in a bad situation
get back together: reunite after a separation
get over: no longer be upset by a bad situation
give it your best shot: try your hardest at something
go in different directions: follow different interests; grow apart
grow apart: no longer like the same things
having an affair: cheating on a husband or wife, usually with the same person and for a long time
let someone down: disappoint someone
look down: seem sad or unhappy
make up: forgive and be friends again
put off: postpone
put up with: have patience; ignore something annoying
second chance: another try to make things work
separation: a time before a divorce when a couple isn’t living together
split up: separate; no longer be together
spouse: the person someone is married to
therapist: a professional who helps with problems
wedded bliss: a fun way to talk about marriage as perfect happiness
work things out: try to solve problems

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