Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S - Unit 16: The Better Half)

a match made in heaven: a perfect relationship
 Tony and Jane’s marriage was a match made in heaven. They were perfect for each other.

the love of one’s life: the one person you’ll love forever
 Peggy and Russ celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary; they both said, “You’re still the love of my life!”

head over heels: absolutely and completely in love
 Tina is head over heels in love with Jorge; she can’t stop talking about him.

love at first sight: falling in love with someone the very first time you see them
 I knew Tom was the man I’d marry. It was love at first sight when we met in college.

on the rocks: when a relationship starts to have problems
 I think our neighbors’ marriage is on the rocks. All I do is hear them fighting.

kiss something good-bye: have no chance of getting or doing something; to know that something is over or gone forever
 Russ was ready to kiss his bachelor days good-bye when he popped the question to Peggy.

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