Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S - Unit 17: That’s Life!)

- Both will and going to take the base form of the main verb.
- Sometimes you can use either will or going to, but other times you need to be careful.
- Remember: You must use the verb to be before going to. See examples below, and note the use of contractions for the verb to be!
- Use will to express a future fact and when you decide to do something at the moment of speaking.
The obstetrician will recommend . . . (a fact)
I’ll (I will) get you a nice spinach salad right now . . . (I decided just now)
- Use going to when something definite has been decided for the future. It can also be used when you can see that something is definitely going to happen.
The doctor’s going to do an ultrasound at my next visit. (already decided)
I’m going to be a mom again! (It’s definite. Look at my large stomach!)

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