Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S - Unit 19: Gadget Central)

bells and whistles: extra features to make something even more special
 Jane bought a new cell phone with all the bells and whistles. She can play games, access the Internet, and even make phone calls!

cutting edge: very new technology
 My computer is cutting edge. It can recognize my voice from the next room!

computer geek: someone who knows about computers and spends lots of time with them
 My nephew is a real computer geek. He spends hours every day just finding new things to do with his computer.

dead zone: an area where your cell phone won’t work
 I need to find a new company for my cell phone. My house is in a dead zone for the one I have.

waste of minutes: not worth talking to; not worth using your cell-phone plan minutes
 He never has anything interesting to say. It’s yak, yak, yak about nothing. Talking to him is a waste of minutes.

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