Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S - Unit 2: Getting Around)

If the train and bus won't take you where you need to go, or if you’re in a hurry, you can call a cab. In larger cities, you can hail a cab on the street. Just step off the sidewalk into the street (watch for cars and buses!) and raise your arm. You can also call out, “Taxi!” In cities, the fares are posted right in the cab, and the rates are set by a group that regulates taxi companies.

If you need a ride in a smaller city or town, you can call a car service. This is a private taxi company that usually does not have cars driving around the streets. Drivers wait in the office until someone calls, and then a manager will dispatch a car. You can also call in advance and arrange to be picked up on another day.

Car Service: Little Apple Car Service. This is Larry speaking.

Lia: Hi. I need a car to take me to the airport at 5:30 p.m. tomorrow.

Car Service: Do you need to be there at 5:30, or is that when you want us to pick you up?

Lia: I need to be at the airport at 5:30 or I’ll miss my flight.

Car Service: That’s right in the middle of rush hour. Traffic will be a nightmare at that time. I’ll have a car get you at 4 p.m. What’s your address?

Tip 5 Tipping (everyone loves a tipping tip)! Drivers of buses and trains do not get a tip; however, tipping is expected for taxi drivers. The usual tip is 15% to 20%. There is no extra charge for singing cabbies!
arrange: make a plan for something
cab: taxi
cabbie: taxi driver
dispatch: send
fare: the cost of the trip
hail a cab: signal that you want a taxi
in advance: before the time
nightmare: a very bad situation
pick up: get, collect
rate: how the fare is calculated
rush hour: the very busy traffic times (morning and evenings) when most people are traveling to and from work

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