Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S - Unit 2: Getting Around)

off track: off the subject
The meeting got off track when Juan began talking about his family’s vacation.
lose track: forget or lose
I lost track of where I put my glasses. How will I be able to read the paper?
one-track mind: thinking of only one thing
They couldn’t make any progress at the meeting because the boss had a one-track mind and could only talk about his golf game that afternoon.
miss the boat: miss an opportunity
When the salesman came, he offered all the workers free coffee, but Stephen missed the boat because he was chatting on the phone.
in the same boat: in the same situation
They’re both in the same boat: neither of them remembered to do the homework.

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