Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S - Unit 21: The Big Interview)

It’s always a nerve-racking time after an interview. You keep thinking about the questions and your answers. How did it go? Why didn’t I say this? Why didn’t I say that? You may get a call asking you to come back for a second interview. This is a good sign! It shows that you are one of a few people that they are interested in. They may want you to talk to other people you’ll be working with. This is a good time to mention that great thing you forgot in the first interview!

Although a company should write or call to let you know if you got the job, not all of them do this. If you don’t hear anything for a while, it may be that you didn’t get the job. It’s fine to call the hiring manager and ask if they’ve made a decision. You can even ask for feedback on the interview. Knowing what things went well and what things made them decide to hire someone else can help you prepare for future interviews.

Sometimes, after you’ve given up all hope, you may get a letter or phone call out of the blue offering you that job. We knew you could do it!

LIA: Hey, Alan, did you get that supervisor’s job?

ALAN: I don’t know. I haven’t heard anything yet, and it’s been 10 days now!

LIA: Don’t worry. Sometimes it can take ages before you hear anything. How do you think it went?

ALAN: I think it went okay. I seemed to have most of the qualities they were looking for. The only thing is I haven’t had much experience with Excel, and that’s what they use for all their reports.

LIA: Well, that’s something you can learn. It’s actually pretty easy to work with. I can show you sometime if you’d like. I use it all the time in my job.

ALAN: Thanks. I’ll take you up on that if they offer me the job.

LIA: By the way, did you wear your sneakers and jeans?

ALAN: No. I took your advice and wore a jacket and tie. Hey, maybe they didn’t like my tie!

Tip 4 There are usually a lot of people who interview for each job. You can make yourself stand out by looking and sounding professional. You will also stand out if you send an e-mail or short note thanking the interviewer and reminding him or her why you would be such a good choice for the job. You’ll also stand out if you have spinach in your teeth. But we don’t recommend that!
don’t hear anything: not receive any information
feedback: opinions about how you acted in a situation
nerve-racking (also spelled nerve-wracking): very stressful
out of the blue: in a very unexpected way
qualities: things that make you a good worker or person
stand out: be noticed
take someone up on something: accept someone’s invitation to do something

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