Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S - Unit 3: Taking a Drive)

Are you fed up with hanging around, waiting for buses and trains? They go everywhere, but waiting at that bus stop gets pretty chilly in the winter. Cabs are really convenient, but they sure can be expensive. What’s the perfect solution? Drive! I know, I know. You may not have a car. The good news is that it’s cheaper to get a license than to get a car. Ha! And although you can’t borrow a driver’s license, you can rent a car. But watch out for those crazy drivers! You’ll need to make sure you know the rules of the road. Each state has all the information and rules about getting a license on its DMV website. “DMV” stands for Division or Department of Motor Vehicles. The bad news: there is usually a test!

Lia: Hi. I’d like to get a New Jersey driver’s license.

DMV Worker: Do you want to renew a New Jersey license or apply for a new one?

Lia: I don’t have a New Jersey license, but I have my license from my country.

DMV Worker: You can’t use that here. Do you have an application?

Lia: No, I don’t.

DMV Worker: You’ll need to fill out an application. Do you have the required picture ID?

Lia: Yes, I do and I have my passport. Do I need anything else?

DMV Worker: You can check this list of required documents. If you have all the paperwork, you just need to take a vision test and the written test. When that person is finished, you can go to booth number 9 and have your picture taken.

Lia: Yikes! Can I skip the picture? I’m having a bad hair day!

DMV Worker: Sorry. Our state requires a photo-license.

Tip 1 Rules for getting your license can be different in each state. Before you go, make sure you check what documents you need. It can be very frustrating to wait on line, then find out you don’t have the right documents. You can find out on the DMV website when you check the office hours. This is not a place anyone likes to visit more than once!
Tip 2 It’s a good idea to take a newspaper with you (you can practice reading English). The long lines at the DMV are famous (and not in a good way!). Don’t go on a bad hair day. You’ll be stuck with that license photo for a long time.

Fun Fact!

Most big city taxi cabs have a GPS screen in the back. You can watch the crazy turns as you travel to your destination.


apply: to fill out documents asking to get something
bad hair days: times you just don’t look your best
bad news: unpleasant situation
booth: a small space with a table and, sometimes, a computer
chilly: a little bit cold
convenient: easy
DMV: Division of Motor Vehicles (Some states may have a slightly different name, but most use Motor Vehicles in the name.)
fed up (also had enough): tired of something
frustrating: annoying, making you angry or upset
GPS: short for Global Positioning System; the signal from a satellite that shows exactly where you are
hanging around: just waiting
paperwork: forms and documents (ugh!) that must be filled out
picture ID: an Identification Document that shows your photograph
renew: bring your old license up-to-date
required: necessary
skip: omit, leave out
stuck with: required to keep
vision test: a simple eye test (to be sure you can see that truck behind you!)
written test: a test taken in the DMV office to test driving knowledge; usually taken on a computer

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