Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S - Unit 4: Dining in Style)

chew the fat: have a casual conversation
 After the meeting, Tom and Susan stayed a few minutes to chew the fat.
in a nutshell: a summary
 The park ranger gave a very long report about the dangers of forest fires. In a nutshell: Be careful with your campfires!
a piece of cake: easy!
 Lina was so relieved about her driving test. She had expected it to be tricky and hard, but it was a piece of cake!
take it with a grain of salt: don’t believe it completely
 Because the study was done by a company that wants to sell the product, people should take the results with a grain of salt.
butter someone up: say nice things to someone to win his or her favor
 Ellen was hoping for a promotion at work, so she tried to butter up the boss with compliments about how nice she looked. (But we bet the boss took the compliment with a grain of salt!)

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