Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S - Unit 5: Get Moving)

Are TV sports and fitness workouts still too tame? If you have an adventurous streak, you’ll be able to find something more exciting. In fact, you’ll be able to find just about any exciting adventure you can imagine. How about scuba diving or sailing? Many rivers are perfect spots for whitewater rafting or tubing through the rapids. There are commercial operations where you’ll be able to take helicopter flights or rides in a small plane over popular attractions. Have you ever thought about a soaring adventure? A glider plane will quietly drift high over a scenic area. Maybe a ride in a hot air balloon at dawn is just what you need for a special relaxing experience. For the opposite of relaxation, try skydiving—just don’t ask us to jump out of that plane with you. In some mountain areas, you’ll be able to take a cable car ride to the top of the mountain. And who doesn’t want to jump off a bridge? Bungee jumping is just the thing. In many forested areas, you’ll be able to enjoy a zipline above the trees. We don’t know about you, but a nap on the couch is sounding better and better . . .

LIA: Hey, do you guys feel like heading up the Delaware River next weekend? The weather should be great, so we’ll be able to go canoeing.

ALAN: You know me; I’m up for anything.

LIA: Cool. My brother has a boat on a lake nearby. We’ll be able to spend a day on the river and then go waterskiing the next day.

JAE: A boat? Count me out. I get really seasick.

LIA: Oh, don’t be such a chicken. It’s a small boat on a small lake.

JAE: Seriously, if it moves on the water, and I’m in it, I will throw up!

ALAN: Okay, Lia, it looks like it’s just you and me for waterskiing. Do you think you’ll be able to handle it?

LIA: What, put two pieces of wood on my feet and glide across the water? Of course I can!

JAE: Sorry I won’t be able to join you, though I bet it will be pretty funny to watch! Maybe I’ll just watch a game on TV.

ALAN: It’s your loss! You’ll miss seeing your two friends water-ski like pros!

Tip 4 There’s a reason some of these are called “extreme” sports. They can be dangerous. Companies that provide the experiences are very serious about safety precautions. Always follow the safety rules.
Tip 5 A gift certificate for an adventure experience is a great idea for a special holiday occasion for a very special person.
adventurous streak: the part of your personality that wants excitement
attractions: interesting or fun places to see
bungee jumping: jumping from a very high place, connected only to an elastic cord
chicken: a coward; someone who is afraid of something
count me in: plan on doing something or being included in something
count me out: plan on not doing something or not being included in something
dawn: very early morning before sunrise
drift: float
feel like: want to
glide: move easily
glider: a special light plane with no engine that sails on air currents
handle it: be able to do something
hot air balloon: a balloon for traveling through the air (A basket holds the people and the balloon is powered by heated air.)
nap: a short sleep
operations: businesses
precautions: things to do to keep safe
rapids: fast-moving parts of a river
scuba: self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (for the tank that supplies oxygen); deep sea diving
skydiving: jumping out of a plane for fun! AAAACKKK!!!
tame: calm, easy
throw up: a yucky (eeew!) phrase meaning to be sick to your stomach
tubing: going down a river in a special float shaped like a tire tube
up for: ready to do something
whitewater rafting: going down a fast-moving river in a special raft
your loss: a way of saying you’ll be sorry you didn’t do something
zipline: a cable connected to pulleys that lets you slide across

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