Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S - Unit 6: Get Away from It All)

You love adventure! You love the outdoors! You love cooking hot dogs over an open campfire! We have just the vacation for you: camping! Yes, for the brave soul who’s not afraid of critters, bad weather, and bad food, this is another fun vacation choice. Camping requires a lot of very careful advance planning. You’ll need to have gear for hot weather and cold, for rain and sunshine, and for grassy fields and rocky riverbanks. If you’re in the middle of nowhere, you’ll need to carry your own food for all your meals, pots to cook it in, plates to serve it on, and utensils to eat it with. That means a big (and heavy) knapsack. You’ll also need to carry around your own little hotel—a tent—and the equipment to put it up. Don’t forget a sleeping bag. I’m exhausted just thinking about it! People who love camping say there’s nothing as wonderful as sleeping under the stars. We don’t know about you, but we’re thinking that would make us bear bait. No, thanks! We don’t want a bear to eat us for a snack before we can even eat our own trail mix! People tell us that camping can be fun, but we’d rather stay at a fancy hotel.

LIA: Our camping trip was sure a surprise.

ALAN: Uh-oh. What happened?

LIA: Well, it started out fine. We planned the trip carefully and found exactly the right snacks. We packed all our stuff, and we bought brand-new hiking boots. We pitched our tent right beside a small lake.

ALAN: That sounds good.

LIA: It sounded good to us, too . . . until we finished our hike the first day. We forgot to break in the new boots! Our feet were sore and blistered. Then we noticed the big black clouds, and disaster struck! It poured all night. When we woke up in the morning, the tent was collapsed around us, and we were lying in a huge puddle.

ALAN: Ha, ha! I guess next time you’ll stay in a hotel!

Tip 4 Don’t overpack! Remember you’ll be toting that stuff for the whole trip!
Tip 5 It’s very important to be careful with campfires. Thousands of acres of a World Heritage Site National Park in Chile burned when a tourist was careless with a campfire.
Tip 6 If you bring it in, bring it out! Don’t leave any trash where you camp.
advance: before you go
bait: a food attraction for animals
blister: a sore on the foot from rubbing against a new shoe
brand-new: very new
brave soul: someone who is not afraid
break in: wear a bit to make them softer
campfire: a small fire made from sticks and leaves
gear: equipment; stuff you need
knapsack: a large backpack
middle of nowhere: a remote place far from any towns
outdoors: woods, fields, wilderness; outside
overpack: put too much stuff in your bag
pitched: put up
pour: rain very hard
puddle: pool of water left by the rain
riverbanks: the sides of rivers
sleeping bag: a padded blanket that zips around the body for sleeping
tent: a portable shelter made of cloth
tote: carry
trail mix: a special high-energy snack with fruit, grains, and nuts
under the stars: outside
utensils: cutlery: knives, spoons, and forks

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