Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S - Unit 6: Get Away from It All)

Now we’re talking about our favorite vacation! Camping is fun if you like sleeping in a tent. In the rain. With bugs. But give us a high-class resort any day! These can be very expensive, but they’re fun to dream about even if we can’t go. The amenities at a five-star resort can make you feel like royalty, so even if the weather is bad, you’ll have a great time. An all-inclusive resort is perfect if you can’t be bothered keeping track of your expenses. The price includes all meals, drinks, and entertainment. Golf or tennis, the fitness center, and children’s activities are also included. The rooms are often larger, with king-sized beds. Some places have all suites, so you can really spread out. And the hotel usually has a concierge who can arrange many extra excursions in the local area, like chartering a boat to go deep-sea fishing, or planning a parasailing adventure. Be aware that these excursions are not included in the cost. Other amenities that may not be included are the spa, a salon, and other trips to nearby attractions. Be sure to know in advance exactly what fun activities are included. The downside to an all-inclusive plan is that you may decide not to explore the local town restaurants. After all, you’ve already paid for your meals at the hotel. On the other hand, if you’re in heaven, who wants to leave anyway?

ALAN: Wow, we had a great time on vacation!

LIA: Yeah, Susan told me you went to a really cool place.

ALAN: Yeah, it was an awesome, all-inclusive resort. We paid for the hotel, and everything we wanted to do was included.

LIA: Tell me more.

ALAN: Well, the kids spent lots of time in the arcade. Susan and I were happy because they had a beautiful golf course. And of course we spent hours on the beach. It was heaven—just sitting in beach chairs and watching the ocean.

LIA: What about water sports?

ALAN: Oh, it was so cool! We dove for shells one day and water-skied another day. The camp counselors taught the kids how to make paper boats—they thought it was awesome! We even brought some little boats home for souvenirs.

LIA: Wow. You were busy.

ALAN: Yeah, we sure were! But I think we ate and drank a little too much. It’s time for a diet.

Tip 7 Check to see if the gratuity is included in the cost. Tips could be a hidden extra!
Tip 8 You can request in advance the type of bed you’d like. A room will usually have either one king-sized bed or two queen-sized. You can request a roll-away cot if you need an extra bed for the kids.
all-inclusive: (almost) all activities and food are included in the price
amenities: things the hotel provides
arcade: a special area for games and prizes
awesome: great! fantastic! fabulous!
can’t be bothered: not wanting to waste time doing something
chartering: renting a boat or bus for a special trip
concierge: a worker in a fancy hotel who helps you make plans
counselor: a person in charge of fun activities at a camp
downside: disadvantage
excursion: special trip
fancy: a little extra special, nicer than usual
fancy-schmancy: funny way to describe something fancy
fitness center (also called a gym): a place to exercise
five-star: top rated
gratuity: tip
high-class: deluxe, very special
in advance: before you go
in heaven: in a perfect situation
king-sized: an extra-large bed
on the other hand: thinking about the other side of an issue
parasailing: soaring in a parachute that is pulled by a fast boat
queen-sized: a large bed (smaller than a king)
resort: a special hotel with restaurants and fancy attractions
roll-away cot: a small bed that can be brought into a hotel room
royalty: kings and queens
salon: a business providing hair and nail care services
souvenir: something special you buy to remind you of your vacation
spa: a place for massages and skin treatments; a sauna; a steam bath
spread out: enjoy lots of extra space
suite: a small group of rooms

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