Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Get Ready for IELTS Listening - (Unit 10: Work-life balance)

The final s
While you are listening to the recording, remember to listen for the final s in verbs, possessives and plural nouns.
• Make sure that the subject of the sentence (a noun) matches the verb. For example, in the present simple tense, singular nouns (e.g. the names of people, places, groups, objects) must be followed by a verb with a final s.
• Also remember that the final s in a plural word may be pronounced together with first part of the next word, and be difficult to hear. So you will also need to listen closely to the endings of the verbs.
• The final s is also used at the end of a word to show that something belongs to someone. For example: My sister's children stay with me during the holidays, (one sister) My sisters! children stay with me during the holidays, (more than one sister).

Listen to the recording and look at the answers to this sentence completion question. Which answer is correct?

Their............................. at the beginning of July.

We know (i) is singular because the verb 'starts' ends with an 's'and we know (ii) is plural because the verb ‘start doesn't end with an 's'. 

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