Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Get Ready for IELTS Listening - (Unit 10: Work-life balance)

Exam tip
In this type of question, the information on the recording will be given in the same order as it is presented on the diagram, but may not be in the same words. Before you listen, read the answers and think about other words or expressions you might hear on the recording.

You will hear a market researcher describing how he plans a project. Before you listen, look at the possible labels for the diagram (A-G) and choose alternative expressions from the list (1-7). 


  Alternative expressions

A. deadline
B. tasks
C. finishing line
D. section
E. startdate
F. milestones
G. phase

1. part
2. step in a process
3. final date for completion
4. end of a race
5. important achievements
6. beginning
7. activities

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