Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Get Ready for IELTS Listening - (Unit 12: Exploring the oceans)

Trends and statistics
Statistics are the numbers which record facts (like the number of births and deaths in a year) and words that describe these numbers in relation to the whole group.
113 fishing boats were lost at sea last year.
20% of the fish population is currently at risk of disappearing.
The majority o f our electricity could be generated by wave power.
Trends describe patterns o f change in social behaviour or environmental conditions over a period of time and may tell us how much they have changed.
Since 2009, interest in wave power has increased significantly.
There has been a dramatic rise in fish farming over the last ten years.
During this century there has been an upward trend in global temperatures.

Do the following graphs show trends or statistics? Match the statements with the charts.
1. The number of destructive storms has increased significantly in the last ten years.
2. There has been a gradual rise in the temperature across the globe recently.
3. The polar bear population has fallen dramatically since 2010.
4. The frequency of volcanic eruptions has remained stable over the past century.

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