Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 1 ((Lesson 15: Pedro Tricks His Boss))


In Chile, South America there are many stories about Pedro. Pedro never thought it was worthwhile to work hard. He would rather trick people to get money without working. Maybe these stories were told for fun, but also they teach people to watch out for men like Pedro.

One day, Pedro got a job working for a farmer. This farmer had a very pretty wife and three pretty daughters. "To tell the truth," Pedro thought, "I would like to just sit all day talking to them."

Pedro was working with another man washing the barn. However, they turned off the hose and took turns sleeping. If one man saw their boss coming, he would wake up the other, turn on the hose, and start washing.

The farmer thought about firing Pedro because he had been very slow in washing the barn. Pedro wanted to work for the farmer very much. (Actually, he was just waiting for the chance to kiss one of the farmer's daughters!) Pedro and the farmer talked over all of the jobs that Pedro could do. The farmer finally decided to send Pedro to town to sell his pigs. He gave Pedro a piece of paper with the price that he wanted for the pigs.

Pedro thought of a way to trick his boss. He threw away the paper and took the pigs into a swamp near the farm. Pedro cut off all of the tails of the pigs and stuck the tails in the mud. Then he led the pigs to town and sold them. Because Pedro had worn out his shoes, he went to a shop and tried on some new ones. He wrote down the address of the shop and told the owner that he would write back soon to order the shoes. Then he went back to the swamp.

As night came, the farmer got worried. He took a lamp and went down the road to look for Pedro. When he saw Pedro standing in the swamp, he yelled, "What's the matter with you? I told you to go to town!"

Pedro said, "I tried to take a short cut through the swamp. But all of the pigs went into the mud. Look." Pedro pointed to pigtails.

The farmer shouted, "Quick, go tell all three of my daughters to come help us dig these pigs out!"

When Pedro ran back to the farm, he found the daughters waiting there. The daughters asked Pedro if anything was wrong. He knew this was his chance!

Pedro said, "No. Your father told me to come here and give each of you a kiss." The three daughters laughed and said that they did not believe him. Pedro yelled back to the farmer still standing in the swamp, "Did you say all three?"

The farmer yelled back, "Yes, all three!" So Pedro kissed all three daughters, said, "Thanks for letting me work here!" and ran away.

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