Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 1 - (Lesson 7: The Girl Who Dressed Like a Boy)


This story comes from the Middle East. Generally speaking, women in the Middle East are not seen as equal to men. For example, women cannot get the same jobs as men. Once, there was an ugly girl that no man wanted to marry. Also, she could not get a job. She decided to cut her hair short and put on boy's clothes. She got a job caring for some sheep.

For a long time, no one knew that she was a girl. Then one day, while she was out in the field, she saw a young man lying on the ground. He was badly hurt. She took him to her house and cared for him. For a while, she didn't know who he was. Then she heard that the king's son had been attacked by robbers and was missing. She knew for sure that the young man must be the prince. She got in touch with one of the king's soldiers. The soldier came to take the prince back home. The girl went with them. The king was very glad to meet the "boy" who saved his son. As a reward, the king gave her a horse named Lulizar. It was fast and strong and could also talk!

From time to time, she would go to visit the prince. For the time being, the prince did not know that she was a girl. However, for the first time in her life, the girl fell in love. She got tired of acting like a boy. One day, she told the king that she wanted to get married to his son. When the king found out she was an ugly girl, he wanted to get rid of her! However, he did not want the prince to get involved in his plan. He decided to send the girl on a dangerous journey. He told her, "If you want to marry my son, you must bring back the necklace of the Devil Mother." The king knew that the girl would fail and never come back.

She got on her horse, Lulizar, and rode to the place where the Devil Mother lived. When she got off, Lulizar said, "As soon as you find the necklace, get out! Jump out the window and I will catch you." The girl went quietly inside. She looked around for some time. She found the necklace and jumped out the window onto Lulizar. The Devil Mother saw a boy riding away with her necklace. She pointed her magic finger, and said, "I curse you, boy! From now on, you will be a woman!"

When the girl got back to the king's palace, she had changed into a beautiful woman! When the prince saw her, he immediately fell in love and asked her to marry him. The king had to keep his promise to the girl for getting the necklace. The prince and the woman got married and lived happily ever after.

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