Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 (Lesson 27: On a bus))

Fill in the blanks.

on the spot

make room for

in favor of

wasting your breath

keep up

you bet


Man: You don't have to stand, Miss. I can you here. I'll just put my briefcase on the floor.

Woman: That's very kind of you.

Man: It's not every day a beautiful woman sits next to me on the bus!

Woman: Thank you, but I'm not usually talking to strangers on the bus.

Man: Yes, this is a special day! I want to make a poem about you. What do you think?

Woman: You don't have to the conversation for my sake. I prefer to ride in silence.

Man: It's no trouble. I can create a poem .

Woman: Well you're on me. I don't want to hear your poem!

Man: You certainly tell it like it is, Miss. You're a very straightforward person.

Woman: I am! Excuse me, but I see an open seat up front. I'm moving.

Man: Nice talking to you!

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