Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - (Lesson 1: At a fancy restaurant)

Choose the best answer.

  1. ________, the university has a very good library and computer center.

  2. At first, the band ________ a keyboard player, a guitarist, and a singer, but they added a drummer and bassist later.

  3. He could see ________ that he should never have told her about his family.

  4. Here is the menu. Someone will be here to ________ you in a few minutes.

  5. I planned to do my homework after the movie last night, but I ________ when I got home.

  6. Let's ________ for our anniversary and go to an expensive restaurant.

  7. Please ________ the table because it is almost time to eat dinner.

  8. She ________ the registration form and gave it to the secretary.

  9. Where did you ________ this interesting painting?

  10. We ________ for my parent's house very early, but didn't arrive until after midnight.

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