Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - (Lesson 12: In the yard)

Fill in the blanks.

became of

on the other hand

died of

turn up

no way

what if


Max: Do you know what the old man who lived on the corner, Sam? I saw that his house was up for sale.

Sam: I heard he a sudden heart attack a few weeks ago.

Max: ! He seemed so healthy.

Sam: I can't really believe it either. The police should look into his death. Some interesting things about that family might .

Max: What are you talking about?

Sam: That old man was a millionaire! one of his children wanted that money?

Max: , maybe his family just has a history of bad hearts. You've been reading too many detective novels, Sam.

Sam: You never know, Max. Things like that don't only happen in novels.

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