Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - (Lesson 13: At home)


Sometimes at my job I have to attend to work in the back of the store, like unpacking boxes or checking inventory. When someone comes in the store and they don't see anyone at first glance, they think the store is closed. Just to make it clear that I am in the store and ready to help, I put a bell on the counter. I also put a sign next to the bell that says, "Please ring the bell if you need help."

I thought the bell was a clear-cut solution to my problem, and it worked great at first. I could always hear it even if I had on headphones and was listening to music. For the first week, I never missed a customer. Unfortunately, however, my great idea didn't last long. I didn't take into account the fact that some people might enjoy ringing the bell for fun.

The bell started driving me crazy after a while. Children played a big part in this problem. They would come into the store, ring the bell, and run outside again. I had to keep running back and forth from the back of the store to the front. One day a little boy took the bell and ran around the store ringing it over and over again! I knew it was no use getting angry with the boy. He was just a child. However, I was really fed up with the bell! I threw it in a box and hid it under the counter. However, I forgot to take down the sign when I got rid of the bell. This turned into the real solution to my problem.

Now, when someone comes into the store, I know that they need help when I hear them yell, "Hey! Where is the bell?"

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