Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - (Lesson 15: At school)


Research has found that as soon as a man and a woman get married, they start putting on weight. Men usually gain about four pounds. Women gain about five.

Researchers attribute the weight gain to changes in the exercise habits of newly married couples. A newly married man who used to spend several hours each week exercising is apt to stop exercising in order to spend more time with his new wife.

After the couple gets used to their new life together, they may begin to exercise again. However, usually the couple ends up exercising for a shorter time together in comparison with the time they exercised separately before marriage. One way a husband and wife can get over this problem is to begin to exercise together soon after the wedding.

The food a couple eats can also help the couple control their weight. In general, most people need to cut down on the foods which are high in fat. Couples who are used to eating a lot of beef, fried food, and deserts should try to eat more vegetables, chicken, and fish.

Couples who start putting on weight after marriage can get back to their old healthy weight in no time with the proper diet and exercise.

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