Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - (Lesson 18: In the park)


One Halloween a pumpkin truck had an accident on a bridge. It was a close call, but the driver was not hurt. However, all the pumpkins fell into the river. That afternoon, my friend and I were down by the river fooling around. Suddenly we saw a pumpkin floating by. Then another one floated by. Then lots of them floated by! The pumpkins from the truck were floating down the river.

My friend and I tried to catch a pumpkin before they all floated away. My friend leaned out over the water while I held him back by his belt. We tried many times but the pumpkins were too far out from the shore.

"We are getting nowhere with this plan! Let's go in the water and get them," I said.

"Not me!" my friend said. "That water looks really cold!"

There were only a few more pumpkins coming down the river. I didn't want to do without one of those pumpkins. Then I had an idea. I would trick my friend!

"Why don't we try again with a stick!" I said. My friend took a stick and leaned out over the water again as I held him. At that moment, I let go of his belt and he fell into the river.

"I'm sorry! My hand slipped!" I shouted. My friend started to swim back to shore. "Hold onto some pumpkins," I suggested. "It will be easier to swim." My friend put two pumpkins under his arms and kicked back to shore. My plan paid off! We finally succeeded in getting some pumpkins!

We took the pumpkins back to his house. My friend changed clothes so he wouldn't catch a cold and hung up his wet clothes to dry out before his mother got home. Then we planned how to carve our beautiful pumpkins in time for Halloween!

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