Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - (Lesson 19: At the dinner table)


One Sunday morning, a puppy showed up in our yard. It stuck around all day, so in the evening I tried to get it to come inside the house. All in all it seemed like a healthy puppy. It was just a little dirty. The puppy was not wearing a collar so we had no idea who it belonged to. It stayed with us for a few days. I even named it "Brando" after my favorite movie star. But my wife criticized me for being selfish. She said, "That puppy belongs to someone and they probably want it back. You have to try and find the owner." Eventually, my conscience got the better of me, and I changed my mind about keeping the puppy. I made a sign describing the puppy and planned to put it up around the neighborhood. My wife looked over the sign.

"Someone who is not the owner may want the puppy. I suggest you cross out the description. Then you'll know the real owners because they will be able to describe the dog."

I changed the sign to read, "Found: One puppy." Then I put our phone number at the bottom of the sign. That evening, we got a call. A young woman was on the phone. She said, "I'm calling in regard to the puppy you found." She described the puppy exactly, so we knew it was hers.

The young woman came to our house in less than an hour. When she saw the puppy, she smiled and burst out, "Oh, Lucy! It's so good to see you again!"

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