Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - (Lesson 20: At the beach)

Fill in the blanks.

cut out

is true of

every so often

on account of

speak up

suffered from


Bob: Isn't this a great beach, Carol?

Carol: Could you , please? The waves are so loud!

Bob: What do you think of the beach?

Carol: Oh, it's beautiful! It's my first time by the ocean!

Bob: So you never swam in the ocean as a kid?

Carol: Nope. the fact that I grew up in Colorado, I never got to see the ocean when I was young. I never even learned how to swim.

Bob: Me, neither. I swimmer's ear as a child, so my parents made me swimming when I was six or seven years old.

Carol: So why do you like to come to the beach if you don't swim?

Bob: I like to come to lay in the sun. That most people here I think. But I walk down and stick my feet in the water!

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