Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - (Lesson 21: At the orphanage)


My parents give me money each semester for my expenses at college. I try to live for a whole semester on what my parents give me, but I usually fall short of my goal. Before the end of the last semester, I was broke! I'm sure my parents would have been happy to send more money if they had known I was in need. However, I didn't want to have more to pay back. Besides, I wanted to deal with the situation myself.

First, I tried to go without lunch every day, but I was too hungry to study after that. There was only a week or so left before the semester came to an end. I thought about selling my books to make a little money. I knew my books would not amount to much. At most, I could only get twenty dollars per book, but it was better than nothing. I could either sell my books or starve. I chose to sell my books.

When I went to take my final exam in history, the professor said, "This test is especially difficult. If you brought your book, you can use it during the test."

Somehow I managed to get a "B" on the final exam without the book. I guess everything worked out in the end, but from now on I'm not going to sell back my books until all of my classes are over.

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