Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - (Lesson 22: In the police station)

Fill in the blanks.

up to now

get even with

is up to you

in light of

followed up on

no wonder


Sergeant: Any news on the Jones Case, detective?

Detective: I an idea that one of the neighbors gave me. He told me that Mr. Jones had recently lost a lot of money in a business deal. But the money he lost was actually borrowed from a friend. Maybe this friend wanted to Mr. Jones.

Sergeant: Any idea who the friend was?

Detective: , we have found more than eight letters from a woman named Martha Dixon. And several of the letters mention an "investment" of $10,000.

Sergeant: Jones lost $10,000 of Dixon's money? she was mad at him!

Detective: what I have learned, I think we should ask Martha Dixon some questions.

Sergeant: At her home or here in the station? It .

Detective: Let's visit her at home.

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