Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - (Lesson 22: In the police station)


One day a man was preparing to leave on a trip. He often traveled on business back and forth between New York and his home in Boston. His wife was carrying out his suitcase to the car when it suddenly opened. Inside were shorts, shirts, sandals, and a swimming suit. In light of the fact that her husband had packed all of his casual clothes, she started to doubt that he was going on a business trip.

The next day, she followed up on her suspicion by calling the airline that her husband traveled on. She asked the man at the airline, "Can you tell me how many frequent flyer miles my husband and I have?"

The man looked up their account and told the woman, "Up to now, you have almost 100,000 miles if I include your husband's most recent flight."

The woman was surprised. She said, "That doesn't make sense. How did my husband collect so many miles flying to New York?"

The man at the airline told her, "Those miles include his flights to New York and his flight to the Bahamas."

"The Bahamas!" the woman thought. "No wonder I can't find the sunscreen!" The woman knew just how to get even with her husband. Now that she knew her husband was having fun without her, she would also go on vacation! She wanted to use up all of the frequent flyer miles by going as far as she could.

"I'd like to reserve a ticket for myself, please" she said, "When is your next flight?"

"There are two flights leaving this afternoon: one to Chicago and one to Paris. It's up to you."

"Paris would be perfect!" the woman smiled.

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