Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - (Lesson 23: On an old dirt road)


In college, I still lived with my parents, but I had a job. I could pay for a lot of my own expenses. Because of this, my parents were able to put away some of their own money in the bank. After a little while, they had enough to buy a new car.

My parents traded in their old car and got a new luxury car! The new car had a beautiful interior, to say nothing of its sound system! My parents loved that car.

I had my own car, but it was old and often broke down. Sometimes I had to borrow my parents' car.

One time I borrowed the car and brought it back late. I got stuck in a traffic jam because of an accident between a car and a truck. I didn't get home until almost midnight. I took it for granted that my parents would be asleep. However, my mother was waiting for me when I got home! She relieved me of the car keys with a serious look on her face. I told her, "Mom, you have to look on me as an adult now. You don't have to wait up for me."

My mother told me that her waiting up had nothing to do with me. She was concerned about the car and couldn't sleep!

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