Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - (Lesson 25: In a restaurant)

Fill in the blanks.

in accordance with

keeping my word

go Dutch

lay off

in terms of

lives up to


Bob: This place really its reputation. Everything was delicious!

Lisa: It sure was. And the price, it's not that expensive either.

Bob: How much is the bill?

Lisa: Never mind. I'm paying.

Bob: Oh no! You're not paying. I'm paying. Give me the bill.

Lisa: I've got it. Don't worry.

Bob: Give it to me!

Lisa: , Bob. I'm paying. I was the one who promised to take you out for your birthday, so I'm just .

Bob: OK. I'll let you pay this time the following condition.

Lisa: What condition?

Bob: Next time I get to pay.

Lisa: Next time we can so there won't be any argument over the bill.

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