Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - (Lesson 28: In the kitchen)

Fill in the blanks.

in advance

settle for

from scratch

so far, so good

set aside

take over


Pat: What are you making?

Larry: I'm trying to make bread. We are all supposed to bring something to the party on Saturday. I'll be too busy on Friday, so I'm making it .

Pat: So how is it going?

Larry: . I made the dough and half of it to rise. But now I have to knead this half of the dough. That's a lot of work!

Pat: If you're tired, I can for a while. I have some free time for an hour or two.

Larry: It's a messy job.

Pat: I don't mind. Let me try ... This is hard work! Are you sure you don't want to some bread from the bakery?

Larry: No way! I only eat bread made !

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