Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - (Lesson 28: In the kitchen)


My husband and I just had our first baby. For the first three months, I was breast feeding the baby. Then we decided we would do away with breast-feeding and give the baby formula and solid food. Part of the reason for this change was that I needed sleep. I had been feeding the baby when she woke up at night. That meant I was getting up two or three times each night on average. We knew the change to the new food would not come about easily, but we had to try. Even if it was hard at first, in the long run it was for the best.

My husband likes to eat all natural food, so he wanted the baby to eat home-made food. I told him that unless he was willing to set aside the time to make the food himself in advance, he would have to settle for regular baby food from the store. There was no way I was going to make baby food from scratch!

After we had tried giving formula to our baby for a few nights, a friend of mine asked, "How is the new feeding schedule going?"

"So far, so good," I told her. "I'm getting more sleep now that my husband took over some of the feedings at night. But sometimes I have to push my husband out of bed because he is a heavy sleeper. Last night when the baby started to cry, I woke my husband up and said, 'She's hungry.' He looked confused and asked, 'Who?'"

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