Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - (Lesson 3: On the highway)

Fill in the blanks.

by all means

got lost

by chance

high time

carry on

pull over


Tom: Yes, Officer?

Policeman: I asked you to because your brake light is broken. May I see your license and car registration?

Tom: ! Here they are.

Policeman: Well, I think it's you had that fixed. It's not safe to drive around with a broken brake light.

Tom: Yes, sir.

Policeman: I won't give you a ticket this time. Get that light fixed.

Tom: I will, Officer. Um, I wonder if you could help. I met my friend at the post office this morning and we planned to meet at Le Chez for lunch. I thought it was on Lexington Street, but I took a wrong turn and .

Policeman: At the next stoplight, turn left. Lexington will be the third street on the right.

Tom: Thank you, officer! the good work you are doing!

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